Tuesday, March 26, 2013

American I-DULL

If any American Idol viewers were wondering what became of rooting for Rodney "NAYO" Barber will have to sit down for some bad news: Just as I was walking down 5th street from like I usually do, I heard the sounds of a voice I thought I wouldn't hear ever again.

Dumbfounded, I looked around for the source only to spot the familiar donation box once again.  This time the box read "AS SEEN ON AMERICAN IDOL", rather than "HELP ME GET ON AMERICAN IDOL" and his nickname "NAYO" was now Spelled "NAO." Barber explained that his mother had a stroke, forcing him to return to Charlotte, but I'm sure there's more to the story.

So far none of the AI pages that appear in on page 1 of Google mention Rodney's departure or even answer the question directly.  Any other answers are blatant attempts at directing traffic to AI's official site. Speaking of such, Barber's no longer listed among the contestants. Is his mother really incapacitated? Or did he get eliminated? Or did he get the Jermaine Jones treatment?

After the very public lawsuit by other disqualified contestants of the past, I wouldn't be surprised if the AI crew was trying to put a gag order on Rodney and anyone else involved.

Besides, I told him to try again for The Voice or X-Factor anyway!

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