Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A WIN 4 Internets, A fail for our Future

Came across this image while searching for "someecards":

The answer sheet belonged to a male student. The teacher's notes read: "Who in their right mind would do this?" What's more obvious that her ignorance of internet vagina-punchers, is her seemingly selective ignorance towards innocent childhood logic.

If there was a perfect opportunity for preventive education against female harassment, this teacher missed it by many miles. This young male student's answer suggests that he's so innocent he could only imagine "sexual bullying" as the girl version of being punched in the testicles. The teacher could've used this time to explain "sexual bullying" and how it differed from the bullying as the young student understood it, thus influencing the way he treated girls as well as his view toward women as he matured to Manhood.

Instead, she ridicules him.

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