When I arrived to the top of Sears Tower Skydeck, an elementary school class was in the middle of their field trip. I can surely say children are fearless when it comes to dangerous situations.Their excitement with the surroundings had them literally running in all directions, even mowing down someone's toddling baby in the process. Even the adults had to watch for any children running up behind them. I had to wait a while until the glass casings where cleared of children. When I finally had a chance to step out on the glass casing I began to look down.
Maybe is was too many viewings of "Engineering Disasters" on the History Channel. Or that teenage girl who stomped on the glass casing earlier as a joke ( yeah, real funny). Or perhaps I'm just at that age where your amigdala finally matures and tells you what can get you killed. All I know is, I wasn't convinced all that thick plexiglass and steel bolting could hold my weight (even with my backpack removed.) This survival instinct didn't keep me from doing what I initially wanted to do, so here's the pic:
A better compromise |
Now remember that old science fact from middle school that heat rises? well, it reminds you with a vengeance. I don't know how the photographer and gift shop workers put up with it. The only reason anyone wants to return below is the cooler temperatures. I think it's the greenhouse effect that the sun and windows have on the place, considering that according to the tour video, the atmosphere at that height is much colder than at ground level. Anyway, once I began to sweat, I knew it was time to go.
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