To think about how much has changed when I began only to compare to when I left.
The Sitting President
2000: Clinton
2010: Obama
My College
2000: Maryland Institute College of Art
My Career Aspects
2000: Cartoonist along the lines of Jim Davis ("Garfield", "US Acres") and Gary Larson ("The Far Side")
2010: Screenwriter, Novelist, Cartoonist along the lines of Berkely Breathed, George Herriman, R. F. Outcault, Sergio Aragones, G.B. Trudeau, Charles Addams, Edward Gorey, Frank Cho....
Hmmm. Looking at that last point, I realize now that I had cartooning at my core. I did everything else: newspaper articles, TV writing, speech writing. The stubborn person I am, I had to make my voice known in every other medium before I realized that I did it best on a drawing board.
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