When I first received my Dachshund, I thought I had everything needed to help care for him. The nearest vet, what foods to avoid, even guidebook on Dachshunds. Even the lessons I learned from previous family dogs were applied to my new pet , but even that wasn't enough for what was in store. I don't regret the love and care I gave him, but I still wish the ailments that he suffered could have been prevented.
Perhaps others can learn from my mistakes:
Urinary Track Infections
Not long after he left puppyhood, Snoop contracted urinary stones which lead to a surgical incision and $33 a month for special food. Years later I read a book on Dachshunds that warned about this common infliction.
Tooth Abscesses
This is one of the few ailments I caught early. I knew Snoop's face loofa a bit asymmetrical and when he winced at my touch, a visit to the vet would follow. Tooth abbesses can lead to infection and death. Luckily, it didn't lead to his.
Say "No" To Stairs
If we knew he'd end up having slipped spinal disks, he'd never would've let Snoop run up and down the stairs. A dachshund's long spine can be a burden to it, so make sure he or she isn't jumping heights s/he shouldn't be, like barcaloungers, long stairs and even beds. They have a tendency to jump off high platforms as if they were cats. Unlike felines they land on their backs.
Pet Insurance
When we learned about Pet insurance around 2005, Snoop was already 11 years old, too old to qualify. It definitely would've helped us with that spinal disk surgery years after.
Despite all that, he did pass in his sleep at 17. Not a lot of dogs can do that. Not a lot of owners can say that.