Monday, December 17, 2012

When Babies Collide

 Not once but three times have I found videos with the same scenario: Two babies of different parents meet, one squeals and scares the living daylights out of the other one.

Is it their temperament? Are they not used to registering responses from their own? Each baby in the vid is too young to have self recognition, so they don't understand that other baby as something that acts and looks similar to themselves.

 I'm not a pediatrician, and only seen Discovery's "The Baby Human" series, but I wonder if this phenomenon has been explored. This mothers forum explains it's the unknown nature of the other infant and sudden loud noise that frightens them.

Come to think of it, this baby (on the right) tries to ease his fears by touching his baby cousin.....until Mom stops him:


Thankfully, someone in the forum is just as aware of the self-recognition issue as I was and had a pretty good advice:

Sometimes we are unaware that we reinforce their fears by looking a little anxious when faced with a situ[ation] we think they may not like. Smiley smiley and positive comments are needed.

Well said. Being a mom, like understanding a baby's brain, is an eternally developing process.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Charlotte Comicon 2012

Today, I headed out to the Marriott Executive Park to Charlotte Comicon to try and network a bit while I educate myself further on the Convention scene as well as get some good deals!

Joker and Kingpin. And no, they didn't have to tell me either.

It was pretty much a small affair, only filling up one ballroom in the Marriott, though it was still just as lively and crowded as you'd expect the San Diego Con to be. Every vendor from Southern Virginia to northern South Carolina showed up. Even the guys of Heroes Aren't Hard to Find from the annual Heroes Convention were there. See you in July, guys!

Jessica Rabbit. Maybe she'll be there. ^_^

This was predominantly a superhero/scifi (as the cosplayers suggest) but I knew there would be a few nuggets of my usual niche within.

And I did! Got the first 3 volumes of the Dark Horse publication of Astro Boy. Also met a fellow Charlotte resident John Hartness vending his own gun-toting-vampire-slayer novel, The Black Knight Chronicles.

Plus when I arrived, little did I know that the survey I filled qualified me a raffle for a prize!

So far I exchanged 3 business cards and three zines, so I think I did a pretty good job for my first time convention networking.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Trust me, You can get Job In a Very Racial Job Market

A True Monster of Corporate Sites

An experiment made by user Yolanda Spivey exposed the career site's racial bias. Considering I've received the exact same results Yolanda mentions, I believe her and now I feel the need to share better options.

In my area, Goodwill's Joblink program,  the Community college, and the local library system provide career development services for unemployed, laid off or anyone looking for a career change.

Here's a few example links:
Community College:

Those are from my area, of course. But these programs are available in other states.

State and Local Teaches You To Fish

Joblink in Florida

It doesn't matter if you have a wrap-sheet, a Bachelor's, a former retiree, a GED recipient, or simply unhappy with your current job. The current market is cutthroat and people need to know how the game is played on a more grounded level by experienced, up-to-date folks who don't "bs".

You learn how to apply for jobs online, how to rework your resume, even get interview rehearsals. You can be amazed what basic tasks and errands you do for family and friends can be used as a resume skill set that will get you a job. If you use Facebook and twitter frequently those are also applicable as skills. Even former "lawbreakers" have skills that are applicable for "Lawful" work.

Even If you have apprehensions about your computer skills or networking abilities, don't feel embarrassed BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT ALONE. These programs are supposed to help, not ridicule people, and classes that help people cope with the emotional effects of losing a job exist in addition to keyboarding and software skills.

If you're worried about finances, some states will waive course fees if the applicant is unemployed. But check with your local career center first.

Right now, these places are providing free information sessions on skills training and workshops. Search for session dates and times online or call your local community college and simply ask someone in the career center. Community College booklets are available in most grocery stores.

Career Readiness Certification

If anything else doesn't convince you, work for the Career Readiness Certification: a Measurement of career skills that employers look to before they see anything else on your resume. I'm working on mine now.

An example Link:

What You Need to Know
The details for this certification vary from state to state and what kind of job you are seeking. This Certification is kinda new (created 2006) and there are separate State versions and National versions, so please go to your area's Career center and ask about the CRC's requirements in your state.

Here's a link from Goodwill for LGBT seeking employment:

Good luck with your Job Hunt!



I've since moved to Charlotte, NC, and lo and behold a Joblink is available right here in the Queen City!

This one is run by goodwill, of course, but still runs the same functions as the greensboro version mentioned above. as I've said before, it varies from area to area so check your local listings.
And don't forget to look at the local library bulletin board or ask a library staff about job workshops. Again Charlotte's library system covers everything Greensboro's library system covers, from basic computer skills to mock interviews.

AND THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A STUPID QUESTION.The government will not help up catch up so we have to help each other!

UPDATE 1/8/2014:
A commenter going by the name "hope" had these interesting tidbits to share on the recent circulation of the story:

I have not tried to open a new account, but if any of you have and it worked, definitely let me or anyone else know! There's always loopholes.

General code

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Less is More

This submission's theme is an application of "K.I.S.S.": Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Below I decided to redraw some older ideas with more focus on the punchline and less on the art detail.
Compare these originals (drawn in '05) to these re-drawings:

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Times Change, Grumpy Old People Don't

Before I was persuaded to move down south, I received my first glimpse of Winston-Salem, North Carolina via a visit to a friends' college recital. Since then, I hadn't quite thought about that time until I began cleaning out some old files and came across an old page from the Opinion section of the Winston-Salem Journal.  

 Only took a quick glimpse to remind me what made me spare this page from the trash:

Yes, despite drugs, lack of sex education and domestic dysfunction plaguing the youth in her city as much as binge drinking, Ms. Eleanor wants to reinstate Prohibition of all things. While I'm sure she isn't the only one who agrees on this stance, I doubt the WSJ delivers papers to hermit caves.

If she's still alive, I wonder what she think about gay marriage?


My first digitally colored cartoons since 1998 (yes, 1998)......and the 15 year wait was worth it.

Painting on a physical canvas is one thing, but "painting" on a digital canvas is another. Took a bit of adjustment, I'll say. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Back with Vellum

With only a ink-unfriendly sketchbook on hand and a travel-heavy schedule, I finally got acquainted with vellum for the first time. Here's some examples:

Never thought I'd find it easier to trace over my penciling than to painstakingly erase any visible pencil marks on Photoshop.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

From the Files of my Mind.....

WARNING: The following Cartoons contain massive in-jokes and self-reflection......

Sorry for the cut off. At the bottom right, he says "You're not the woman I married"

Originally drawn in 2010. This was inspired by an incident in a discussion group where a white German reasoned that she understood the shoes of black women because she was married to a black man. Yeah, exactly. T_T'

I'll leave the groom's reaction for your interpretation.

Don't we all have that one place that we've been working to get out of and never see again? Well, I do did. This was my exhale.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A WIN 4 Internets, A fail for our Future

Came across this image while searching for "someecards":

The answer sheet belonged to a male student. The teacher's notes read: "Who in their right mind would do this?" What's more obvious that her ignorance of internet vagina-punchers, is her seemingly selective ignorance towards innocent childhood logic.

If there was a perfect opportunity for preventive education against female harassment, this teacher missed it by many miles. This young male student's answer suggests that he's so innocent he could only imagine "sexual bullying" as the girl version of being punched in the testicles. The teacher could've used this time to explain "sexual bullying" and how it differed from the bullying as the young student understood it, thus influencing the way he treated girls as well as his view toward women as he matured to Manhood.

Instead, she ridicules him.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Redefining American Adulthood

How can one be an adult in their parents' home? Here's a few ideas:

  • Adults don't have to be reminded to clean their room.
  • Adults can naturally help out with the dishes.
  • An adult cleans the garage because it has to be done
  • An adult doesn't wake their parents at 3am.
  • An adult never returns home without bringing something home for mom and/or dad.
  • An adult always considers their parents in financial decisions.
  • An adult does not make decisions that would effect their parents or their home.
  • An adult knows how to keep home life and social life separate.
  • An adult takes care of their parents as much as the parents take care of them.
  • An adult understands and accepts the changing times.
  • An adult stops acknowledging cohorts who live alone but refuse to grow up.

Who says you have to have your own place to be grown up?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What I know now…….

When I first received my Dachshund, I thought I had everything needed to help care for him. The nearest vet, what foods to avoid, even guidebook on Dachshunds. Even the lessons I learned from previous family dogs were applied to my new pet , but even that wasn't enough for what was in store.  I don't regret the love and care I gave him, but I still wish the ailments that he suffered could have been prevented.

Perhaps others can learn from my mistakes:

Urinary Track Infections

Not long after he left puppyhood, Snoop contracted urinary stones which lead to a surgical incision and $33 a month for special food. Years later I read a book on Dachshunds that warned about this common infliction.

Tooth Abscesses

This is one of the few ailments I caught early. I knew Snoop's face loofa a bit asymmetrical and when he winced at my touch, a visit to the vet would follow. Tooth abbesses can lead to infection and death. Luckily, it didn't lead to his.

Say "No" To Stairs

If we knew he'd end up having slipped spinal disks, he'd never would've let Snoop run up and down the stairs. A dachshund's long spine can be a burden to it, so make sure he or she isn't jumping heights s/he shouldn't be, like barcaloungers, long stairs and even beds. They have a tendency to jump off high platforms as if they were cats. Unlike felines they land on their backs.

Pet Insurance 

When we learned about Pet insurance around 2005, Snoop was already 11 years old, too old to qualify. It definitely would've helped us with that spinal disk surgery years after.

Despite all that, he did pass in his sleep at 17. Not a lot of dogs can do that. Not a lot of owners can say that.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Imitation of Life and Art

I decided to follow my fellow cartoonist friend Justin's footsteps by taking the Redrawn! challenge. What better comic to redraw that the very one I grew up reading: Jim Davis' Garfield.

Originally published January 5, 2000
My redraw.
Yes, I know I messed up on garfield's belly in the middle panel. 
It's pretty easy to see that Jim Davis' style is not exactly mine, yet in the process I can see what style is my own. The first mistake I made was measuring the panels more vertically, which affected the placement of the word bubbles. Where Davis used an ink brush, I used a pigment pen, to which the this choice reveals the most difference in Garfield's stripes. It's always been Davis' use of the brush that has established the style of those stripes. In his first year of drawing Garfield, Davis used a pen, and Garfield's stripes were just as thin as they are appear in my redraw.

Secondly, Davis is very abstract in his character design (has anyone ever commented on Jon's nose?) while I have developed my style from more realistic sources like anime and Edwardian era comics.

One final significant detail is Davis' ability to keep his drawings consistent enough that they look almost cut and paste. I just cannot stay that consistent, but then, neither did George Herriman.  Oh Well.

City Drawn!

Ever since Matt Groening confirmed his locational inspiration for the Simpson's Springfield, I've been interested in finding my own style in drawing local cities. Next, is a little illustration of Arlington, VA.

Arlington, VA

Pretty decent approximation, ya think?


Monday, April 23, 2012

The Rush is back....

 What feels as good as putting a pen in your hand when weeks go by without being able to? Chugging a bottle of ice water after a hot day's work outside? Scratching that itch you could scratch for 30 minutes? getting off your feet after standing for 4 straight hours?  Yeah, that's it.
After watching a special on the Japan tsunami

After a trip to Martha's Vineyard

"Stupid Hoe" was asking for commentary beyond the youtube comments section.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

And Now Something Irregular......

Turns out I've got more on my plate than usual, so here's some casual sketches of downtown Greensboro to make up.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Grad School Hype: Don't Buy it If You Don't Want To

Hmmm. False. False, false. False and ...... false! 

I may not be sure about my job prospects right now, but one things sure: I'm definitely not interested in Graduate school at the moment. I see no reason to go right now. First of all, there's no topic that interests me enough to dedicate two years of study. Second, after 5-plus years of writing papers, taking exams, and giving presentations, I think I deserve a damn good break.

As much as news outlets like to imply, I don't find it an adequate substitute for unemployment. No one should decide on their Masters studies the same way they picked their undergrad major. I want to make sure there's SOME chance I can use my masters to improve my skills and benefit my career.  If i'm gonna take a chance on something, it's gonna be a job, not a Masters.

Oh yeah, I can't afford it right now either.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Sequential Artists workshop

From March 5th to 9th I went down to Gainesville, FL to continue my comics eduction with John Porcellino and Tom Hart.  If I came back with anything valuable its my discovery of "Zines."

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Latreese Cooke: Taking back Texas' Stolen Children

Latreese Cooke and MEELJ

Kola's lecture at Emory was part of a larger National Herstory Conference of three Black women lecturers being featured at the Whitehead Biomedical Auditorium at Emory University. The crowd was relatively small but greatly invested in the issues brought forth by the speakers. When I entered the auditorium,  second speaker, Latreese Cooke, a Houston-based advocate who helps first time offenders or formerly-convicted people understand their responsibilities in receiving proper representation for their rights. She discussed the trials and tribulations of running her non-profit, MEELJ, as well as awnser questions regarding legal uncertainties with some audience member's relatives.

One topic she covered I hit myself for never even considering, like the emotional and mental condition of a person leaving prison 17 years after he goes in at age 16. He's learned how to be more violent, not just by inmates but by guards. He's spent 17 years under a strict routine that removed any sense of privacy we take for granted on the outside. His family welcomes him back and addresses him if he had not been in hell for 17 years. 17 years is a big chunk that you can't pretend is not missing. To disregard his mental state can be very harmful to him. If not dealt with appropriately he can react negatively. If we provide soldiers who've seen action mental health services, convicts who've served time need it as much. 

I also learned some random facts:
  • 95% of Black and hispanic youths 16-18 are in Federal Prison.
  • An ex-convict can vote in an election if s/he's completed parole, completed their sentence and has successfully re-entered society.
  • A person who worked in a crack warehouse has warehouse/assembly line experience.
  • Texaco Execs would never promote "Jigaboos" to corporate positions
  • The Houston Federal Courts Sentenced 200 Young offenders to 120 months in 24 hours.
  • There was no "youth prison crisis" in Texas until a white girl received a 10 year sentence for murder in 2006. 
  • Parades and Marches helps media outlets get ratings more than they help the people they supposedly support. (Is Troy Davis alive?)
And the most important fact: Courts are not willing to sentence black and hispanic offenders anywhere below 10 years, while their white counterparts get misdemeanor charges and community service.

Ms. Cooke does not help those who bid their time on the inside until they can commit more crime. She helps those who made made a mistake, survived among the truly incorrigible and yet still work hard to be part of the society that threw them away so easily. 

There's nothing we can do to change this system, but we can challenge it. Sometimes it helps by offering access to someone who has no access to it. Or just providing legal services to someone in need of it but with no clue where to find start looking for it. In response to an audience member's question, it didn't mater whether your lawyer was court ordered, it is the family or individual's responsibility to seek information that will help their loved one. It may not get them acquitted, but it will get them the right sentence that truly fits their crime, and lessens their time.

Update: Since I returned from my trip, further online research revealed websites, mostly conservative or republican, trying to expose Ms. Cooke' alleged criminal background.  What these sites refer to as "dark secrets" were not so secret to Ms. Cooke, as she honestly shared them with us with sincere and unapologetic honesty. What this woman is doing is a serious threat to those in power. And like those she helps to re-enter society, these people are using political tactics to destroy her reputation.

Kola Boof at Emory University: A BAP in Decatur

Sometimes in life you gotta dive in head first, and that's what I did when I learned Kola Boof was returning to give a lecture in Decatur, GA while I was temporarily unemployed. Gathering my savings, I booked a hotel and took a train down to Decatur.

I had arrived to my hotel a little early and had no room ready so I decided to walk around downtown to kill some time. As I took in the scenery, I could't help but think of B*A*P*S, a bizarre movie starring Halle Berry whose character lived in in the city. I try not to let this kind of thinking happen, but I have to admit B*A*P*S may have influenced my preconceptions. Nonetheless I was impressed by what I saw:

I wasn't sure whether the city made an overhaul since the film's 1997 release, or if Robert Townsend, the director and writer, just did a good job making the place look like shit.

Edit: Robert Townsend did not write the movie. Troy Beyer Bailey was the screenwriter.